How Much Is It To Install A HVAC System?

HVAC systems are an essential part of every home. They provide clean, conditioned air that is heated or cooled to your desired temperature. They also distribute this conditioned air through ductwork throughout your house.

High-efficiency units have higher SEER and AFUE ratings and will save you money in the long run. However, they can cost more upfront.

Cost of Equipment

HVAC systems are a major investment, but it’s worth the upfront cost to save on energy costs and extend the lifespan of your heating and cooling equipment. When choosing a system, consider your home size, unit capacity and efficiency rating, installation, and duct work.

Depending on the complexity of your project, you may have to pay for additional HVAC equipment like air filters, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, attic fans and smart thermostats. A basic programmable thermostat costs $50 to $100, but if you want a touchscreen, WiFi controlled system that gives you 5-day forecasts and features like germicidal lights, the price will go up.

A new AC system will require a home with ductwork or a ductless mini split. A ductless system can add about $5,000 to the total project cost because of the piping and plenum work involved. If your ductwork is old or in poor condition, you’ll have to invest in new ductwork, which can double the cost of your replacement system.

Cost of Installation

When selecting an HVAC system, consider both the initial costs and long-term energy savings. The best way to compare cost and efficiency is to get quotes from a few local HVAC contractors.

For example, an air conditioning system with a SEER rating of 22 or higher costs more upfront but can reduce energy costs by up to 50%. Also, consider whether a high-velocity HVAC system might make sense for your home. These systems use small, flexible tubing instead of ducts to distribute air and are quieter and more efficient than conventional ducts.

Another consideration is the size of your home. A system that’s too large wastes money by running continuously to maintain a comfortable temperature, while one that’s too small won’t cool your home efficiently.

Other upgrade options include a two-stage motor, which uses less electricity when it needs to operate, and an ultraviolet (UV) filter, which destroys contaminants like mold, germs, and volatile organic compounds. Also, look for rebates on energy-efficient models.

Cost of Components

The heating and air conditioning (HVAC) system keeps your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. It also circulates fresh air to help eliminate dust, allergens and other pollutants. If your HVAC system is old or not working properly, you may want to consider replacing it. Some signs that your unit is failing include high energy bills, frequent repairs and difficulty keeping your home at a comfortable temperature.

If you decide to replace your HVAC unit, make sure it’s the right size for your home and that the ductwork is properly fitted. You can also look for energy efficiency and a good warranty to save money in the long run.

Another option is to repair your HVAC system instead of replacing it. This is less expensive and can often be done in a shorter period of time. A contractor will be able to diagnose the problem and recommend the best solution for your home.

Cost of Labor

The labor cost depends on your home’s size and whether it’s a retrofit or new installation. An HVAC professional will evaluate your home and determine the right size system for your space. A system that’s too small will need to run constantly to maintain a comfortable temperature, so it will wear out sooner. A system that’s too large will waste money up-front and use more energy than necessary.

A typical split-system air conditioner costs between $5,000 and $12,500. This includes an outdoor unit (compressor/condenser), indoor air handler, and furnace. The price can increase by $2,000 if you opt for a zoned system, which uses a thermostat in each room and dampers to open or close ductwork according to the needs of each area.

Look for rebates and tax credits. Many manufacturers offer these, and you can find them using online rebate calculators. Consider a financing option to help with the upfront cost.

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